Analyzing Failed Facebook Ads

What to Do When Your Campaigns Aren't Working

  • Most of the time my attempts do not work, but when we find something that does work, scale it up.

  • I noticed a very poor click-through rate and minimal engagement with the campaign.

  • I decided to pause the campaign and test a different setup, suspecting that the advantage+ audience was the problem

  • I created a new campaign using ABO (ad set budget optimization) and set up 3 ad sets with individual interests.

  • I want to compare the click-through rates of these new ads to determine if the issue lies with the creative or the campaign setup.

  • I predict that it is more likely the setup will fix the situation since I’ve run similar ads to the same audiences with better results.

  • When faced with a failed test, always consider what have you learned and what is the data telling you to test next

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